
Cricklade Camera Club’s season runs from September to June. During July and August friendly summer meets and workshops are held. Membership offers you space to develop your own photography style and skill. Our full programme for the whole season can be found under the “Programme” page on this site, or contact the Club Secretary, Anne Eckersley, for further information. Email address: clubsecretary@crickladecameraclub.org  New members are always welcome – you don’t even need a camera. We have groups and workshops to encourage you to expand your interests and horizons whatever your interest in photography. Everyone is welcome. So, if you are budding novice or a more experienced photographer, why don’t you try us out for an evening at a guest fee of £6.00. 

We meet in person on the first Tuesday of every month between September and June in the Town Hall Annexe at 7.30pm and on another Tuesday of the month, usually the third, by zoom. Other workshops and meetings happen frequently and will be notified nearer the time.

Braving the Snow ©ShirleyJohnson


Wednesday 9th October 2024We are invited to join in with bh Photography Club ZoomFinding your ‘why’ and composing for meaning by Emily Renier

Tuesday 15th October 2024, 7:30pmTown Hall Committee RoomWorkshop (provisional): Help with mounting prints, Chris Pocock and Shirley Johnson. In this informal workshop Chris and Shirley will demonstrate how they cut mounts and assemble finished prints whether it’s for a competition or just to hang on the wall. There will be the opportunity to get hands-on.

Reminder – League Competition One – entries required to be with Ian by Wednesday 23rd October.


Following a request from a member, for a copy of the League Competition Rules, that could be printed out, I have added a “Download” section under “Members Links”. (I had a problem downloading these PDF’s on some Android devices, using Google Chrome, but found that MS Edge works fine). You can download both Annual and League Competition Rules and the latest user friendly 2024-2025 Programme.

For those of you who missed the first meeting, we have a new President – Graham Light, who prior to retiring as a professional photographer, was the main club sponsor. Graham has an exhibition on 26th October and it would be nice to be supported by club members, families and friends.

If you would like to improve your photography, or share photography with like minded people, why not come along and join the club.

Please Note – A new section has been added to “Members Links” with a link to useful YouTube videos suggested by members. Please take a look and if you have any that you have found to be really good, please let the Webmaster know.

YOUR CLUB NEEDS YOU! Do you understand Social Media, can
you keep the Facebook page looking fresh and interesting?
Is Instagram something you’re familiar with?
If so, please contact a committee member, we’d love someone to take on responsibility for the FaceBook page and Social Media posts.


We regulary run workshops in the Committee Room at Cricklade Town Hall. These cover things like: “Critiqueing images and What Judges look for”, “Camera settings and getting off Auto”, An intro to Photoshop” and “Photoshop for Improvers” 


In July and August we hold regular free outings for club members and guests both during daytime and evenings – see the separate Outings section in this website for more info.


Photography Training:

Fancy some photography training – please go to “Club News – Notice Board” for details on Graham Light tuition.

For non members, if you wish to view our programme, please go to the ‘Programme’ entry on the menu of this website.