Congratulations to Chris Pocock FRPS FIPF for obtaining a Fellowship of the Irish Photographic Federation.
Subject – Slad / Cider with Rosie
For the past two and a half years, I have been walking the Slad Valley in search of pictures for a photographic project inspired by Laurie Lee’s novel, “Cider with Rosie,” which is set in a village in the 1920s. This village and the novel’s story mirror four generations of my family. I completed the project with 20 images, which I submitted to the Irish Photographic Federation for assessment in September. I’m proud to say that it was awarded a Fellowship, and I am now allowed to add FIPF after my name. I want to express my gratitude to Marilyn for showing an interest in my project and suggesting that I write this piece. I hope you are tempted to look at the link below.
Chris Pocock FRPS FIPF


Chris is going to present his journey to produce this panel and show the complete set of images on one of the future club nights.
Tuesday 4th February 2025, 7:30pm – Town Hall Annexe – Print and PDI Club Competition League Round 2, judge Bob Hart.
Tuesday 18th February 2025, 7:30pm – Zoom meeting – Looking beyond a single image, by Vanda Ralevska. Vanda will focus on her journey from capturing single images, through creating collections, to working on short and long-term projects. She will explore how working in projects helps you get out of a creative block and find your own personal vision. Vanda will demonstrate how a project-based approach and looking beyond a single image can lead to developing new, exciting ideas that can breathe fresh air into your photographic journey.
Tuesday 4th March 2025 – Royal Wootton Bassett – Annual Battle between Cricklade Camera Club and Royal Wootton Bassett Camera Club.
Sunday 16th March 2025 (away) – bh Photography Club – Project Support Group. Contact Ian Byers/Anne Eckersley for more information.
Tuesday 18th March 2025, 7:30pm – Town Hall Committee Room – Workshop: Members Projects.
Following a request from a member, for a copy of the League Competition Rules, that could be printed out, I have added a “Download” section under “Members Links”. (I had a problem downloading these PDF’s on some Android devices, using Google Chrome, but found that MS Edge works fine). You can download both Annual and League Competition Rules and the latest user friendly 2024-2025 Programme.
For those of you who missed the first meeting, we have a new President – Graham Light, who prior to retiring as a professional photographer, was the main club sponsor. Graham has an exhibition on 26th October and it would be nice to be supported by club members, families and friends.
If you would like to improve your photography, or share photography with like minded people, why not come along and join the club.
Please Note – A new section has been added to “Members Links” with a link to useful YouTube videos suggested by members. Please take a look and if you have any that you have found to be really good, please let the Webmaster know.
YOUR CLUB NEEDS YOU! Do you understand Social Media, can
you keep the Facebook page looking fresh and interesting?
Is Instagram something you’re familiar with?
If so, please contact a committee member, we’d love someone to take on responsibility for the FaceBook page and Social Media posts.
We regulary run workshops in the Committee Room at Cricklade Town Hall. These cover things like: “Critiqueing images and What Judges look for”, “Camera settings and getting off Auto”, An intro to Photoshop” and “Photoshop for Improvers”
In July and August we hold regular free outings for club members and guests both during daytime and evenings – see the separate Outings section in this website for more info.
Photography Training:
Fancy some photography training – please go to “Club News – Notice Board” for details on Graham Light tuition.
For non members, if you wish to view our programme, please go to the ‘Programme’ entry on the menu of this website.