Cricklade Camera Club was formed in January 2017 and is a member of the Southern Counties Photographic Federation.
Our season runs from September to June. During July and August friendly summer meets and workshops are held. Membership offers you space to develop your own photography style and skill. Our full programme for the whole season can be found under the “Programme” page on this site, or contact the Club Secretary, Anne Eckersley, for further information. Email address: New members are always welcome – you don’t even need a camera. We have groups and workshops to encourage you to expand your interests and horizons whatever your interest in photography. Everyone is welcome. So, if you are budding novice or a more experienced photographer, why don’t you try us out for an evening at a guest fee of £6.00.
We meet in person on the first Tuesday of every month between September and June in the Cricklade Town Hall Annexe at 7.30pm and on another Tuesday of the month, usually the third, by zoom. Other workshops and meetings happen frequently and will be notified nearer the time.
During the summer months from June through to August we have summer rendezvous at various local locations subject to the weather, times are expected to be from 6.30pm onwards, with plenty of time for evening photography, hopefully using the suns longer evening rays to capture the best shots with perhaps a pint at a local pub afterwards?